The Cluster Centre is hosting: The Role, Inter-relationships and Principles of Clusters with Dr. Nicola Watts, this Friday @10am. This session will explore the role and diversity of Innovation actors in the Innovation ecosystem, to better understand the inter-relationships of clusters, and to consider the Seven Principles which underpin good clustering practise. We are looking forward to opening up the dialogue.

Dr Nicola Watts: Nicola is a Strategic Management & Innovation Ecosystems Consultant/Project Manager, and a former Cluster Founder and Leader. She has worked across more than 20 countries in a range of sectors including – Agrifood, Education, ICT, and Natural Resource Management. She is highly skilled in Clustering and Smart Specialisation, Place-based Development, Collective Impact, Systems Thinking, Governance, Capacity Building and Strategic/Collaborative Leadership. Nicola is an Adjunct Professor with Federation University’s Business School and a co-chair of TCI Network – Oceania Chapter (TCI is the leading global network of people and organizations working in clusters and innovation ecosystems around the world). Nicola is currently finalising a digital ‘Collective Leadership’ course. The short course provides practitioners with insight and to support reflective practise in relation to shifts away from ‘heroic’ individualistic leadership (‘ego’) towards collective leadership across ecosystems (‘eco’).

Register at the following link: We look forward to connecting and collaborating with you this Friday.

Cluster Survey: If you are a Cluster, please complete our short survey by clicking here.

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