Building Bridges

Across Industry, Academic, Policy & Community

A Shared Learning Platform for our all island cluster ecosystem


Networking: Building relationships, hosting new conversations and deepening connections across the all island cluster community.  


Collaboration: Fostering Cluster 2 Cluster networking.  Increase mutual awareness, sharing of clustering experience, which in turn can reduce the duplication of effort. 


Connecting: Foster collaboration with policy makers, state agencies & local government with regard to regional development and national competitiveness.


Capacity Building: Provide a central point for cluster education, cluster training and cluster knowledge exchange. Provide a platform to act as a central repository.


Communicating: Increase the visibility for clustering locally, nationally and internationally. Provide a crossroads & platform for connecting on clustering.


Connect Internationally: Provide a platform for showcasing all island cluster community. Provide a pathway for connecting into global conversations.


Cluster Services: Training, Connecting, Mentoring, Temporary Cluster Managers. Cluster ecosystem: Strategy, Business Models, Internationalisation & Gathering Cluster Intelligence.


Since 2019 the Cluster Centre is gathering the all-island cluster community into a network of good and better cluster practise. The Cluster Centre sets out to network and support clusters, networks, Trade Associations, Research Gateways, national, regional and local policy makers, and civil society with cluster development. As we gather champions and practitioners into an overarching structure for clusters and policy makers, The Cluster Centre is designing a partnership approach to clustering in Ireland. We are committed to building trust and relationships.

We promote clusters, networks and clustering initiatives in order to raise the visibility for clustering in our national landscape and internationally. At the Cluster Centre, we understand that for clustering to deliver as a mechanism it first needs to become embedded in the context of shared understanding as an approach to economic development and industry support. The Cluster Centre continues to grow services, support and joined up architecture for the all-island clustering community & across the quadruple helix.

Cluster Events

Sign up for our next online event here

Cluster Skills Development

Build capacity for better Clustering

Cluster Repository

Tools to support your Cluster development

Cluster Centre Membership

Join our all-island cluster community

Clodagh Barry

Leader, Executive Coach, specialising in Innovation, Enterprise & Human Potential.  

Clodagh has a track record across multiple stakeholder bases in complex areas of work. Her track record includes delivering strategic programmes at regional, national and EU level for the Western Development Commission, for NUI Galway and for private industry. Clodagh contributes to successful national policy submissions, research funding applications, EU Project teams & National Stakeholders panels. 

Clodagh has been at the forefront of the Knowledge Transfer, Research funding, and  Enterprise & Innovation landscape for twenty years.   

Muireann Mc Sweeney

Muireann graduates from UCC in 2021 with a MSc Business Economics. She also completed a BSc in Chemistry in UCC in 2014. Muireann was hospitality manager in New Zealand from 2015 – 2020. Muireann’s MSc dissertation focused on diversity within the G.A.A. Muireann has a passion for all things Cork and in her spare time enjoys cooking and playing camogie with her local club Rockban.

Our Vision

The vision for The Cluster Centre is to build an all-island community of cluster best practice and good cluster infrastructure.  We gather the clusters, policy-makers, state agencies, local government, communities. We will uncover and work towards complementary strengths & expertise that exist in the cluster and network ecosystems to achieve impact.

In working with leadership we can explore, pursue & unlock collaborative opportunity, potential and innovative solutions, which will support the transition to the new economies & next generation challenges.

Team Development

We are growing The Cluster Centre team. Where you have cluster or project management experience and are interested in joining a high paced, dynamic, collaborative environment, do get in touch.  Email your statement of interest and your professional profile to

Outline where your passion lies with regard to undertaking assignments with The Cluster Centre.


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 086 042 4857

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