Read our lastest Articles
‘The role of Clusters in a post Covid Context’
The Cluster Centre Webinar on ‘Clustering in the post Covid environment’. Friday, 24th July @ 12:00-12:45. Register here The Cluster Centre presents international expert James Wilson on ‘Cluster policy in a Covid Context’....
‘Fundamentals of Industry Clustering’ Webinar
The Cluster Centre presents the ‘Fundamentals of Industry Clustering’ with Lucia Seel, on Friday, 17th July @ 11:00-11:45. Industry Clustering is an established discipline with understanding building on the boundaries and...
Clusters – a product of disagreement and the integration of difference
The second speaker in the TCI OCEANIA CONFERENCE 2020 online conference was the author of the Cluster Development Handbook” Ifor Ffowcs-Williams on 'Why cluster are resistant to industry shocks'. Reflecting the ‘buzzing of...
Stay in your lane, swarm & synchronise. How to lead when it matters most
Like many conferences in 2020 the TCI OCEANIA CONFERENCE 2020 was an online affair. Themed as ‘Leadership in times of crisis & what it means for cluster and network leaders’ it unpicked the learnings of leadership in a...
Clusters & Collaboration – economic development tools for our new future
Dr. Ketel sets out the intricate relationship between clusters and their physical surroundings and examines the connections and linkages between cluster related activities within their particular geography. This article...
Clustering Lessons from Australia
I am always struck by the complexity and simplicity of ‘Clustering as concept” in the Irish context. This rising tide notion of bringing competitors and other actors together to produce something more resilient and capable...
Designing a new Midland Innovation District in the Athlone region
Athlone boasts all the ingredients to drive innovation and enterprise in a post COVID-19 future. Are we prepared to shake off the negative economic and civil disruption of COVID-19, and move into recovery mode? In order to...
Looking beyond the usual suspects
This April, I joined the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) webinar, which works with approx. 1000 industrial European clusters. It felt good to be at the core of industrial clusters and collaborative projects...
How #Covid19 is teaching us the value of collaboration…. Can we harness this mindset?
Little did I know that this future vision would become a reality in a few short months. In the midst of the #Covid19 crisis, I observe major Change on a daily basis. Change is being accelerated through traditional systems...
We had a great experience in working with Clodagh bringing a wide range of expertise and ideas to our successful 2019 REDF funding application, which she completed in a tight time frame.
– Joe Lowe, Head of Local Enterprise, Leitrim County Council –
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There are significant benefits of becoming a member of The Cluster Centre. Your cluster gets to network and learn from the national and international cluster community. You will have access to, and communicate with, the all-island cluster community.
You will benefit from visibility and priority with regard to clustering opportunities offered to The Cluster Centre. You can benefit from collective purchasing of expertise and cluster resources. You will receive up to 40% discount on events. Join today and optimise your cluster’s performance.
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086 042 4857